Here you can find several functions that will help you to read and write VASP POSCAR and CHCAR files in Octave. The files are commented and fairly easy to understand. Current version of the
Test example:read_POSCAR
handles the old and the new POSCAR format (the new format contains labels for the species). All gathered information is stored in one object "Structure". This makes extremely easy the addition of any new properties. Note hat it read_CHGCAR
reads only the total density. If you need the difference, please change the code or the data.#!/usr/bin/octave -q
# Read CHGCAR file
Struct = read_CHGCAR("CHGCAR");
# Print all gathered values
# Do something
# Struct.Dens=circshift(Struct.Dens,[0 0 20]);
# Write the new Density
and uses the same file stream "fid", so if you only want to read the POSACR you have to close the "fid":[Structure,fid]= read_POSCAR(filename);
If you read the CHGCAR be calling
as in the example at the top of the page, you will get the data in the Structure object as this:Struct.Dens Struct.coordsys Struct.label Struct.ny Struct.scale
Struct.Ntypes Struct.flags Struct.nat Struct.typesN
Struct.Vol Struct.h Struct.nx Struct.positions Struct.ver
Here is a list of the functions that could be called:
function [Structure,fid]= read_POSCAR(filename)
function [Structure]= read_CHGCAR(filename)
function fid = write_POSCAR(filename,Structure)
function write_CHGCAR(filename,Structure)
function write_PARCHG(filename,Structure)
Add the files in your project folder in order to use them. octave-vasp.tgz
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